ISSN 1607-4556  (Print)         ISSN 2309-6004  (Online)

Official edition. State Registration Certificate № 14983-3955 Р


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Geo-Technical Mechanics

Interdepartmental Collection of Scientific Papers

 Сборники научных трудов    


    The Collected of Scientific Papers “Geo-Technical Mechanics” (the Journal) is issued by the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polyakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This journal was established to publish theoretical and applied original scientific papers related to the rock and massif mechanics, fracture mechanics, mechanics of mining machines, physical and technical fundamental principals of mining operations; physics of mining operations, etc.

     Only original papers executed at the up-to-date methodological level with observed publishing policy of the Journal and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are accepted for publication in the Journal.

     Each paper submitted is subject to academic review. Our editorial board chooses reviewers from among the most renowned academicians and scientific researchers in their field of expertise. Only previously unpublished articles with relevant contribution to science are accepted for publication.

      Our Journal welcomes any authors who satisfy the stated criteria.

The Journal was registered as a professional publication on technical sciences and geology.

Edition type, Title:

Key title (English): Geo-Technical Mechanics

Abbreviated key title: Geoteh. meh. (Online)

Key title (Ukrainian): Геотехнічна механіка

Key title (Russian): Геотехническая механика

Parallel title: Geotehniceskaa mehanika (Online)

Parallel title: Geotehnìcna mehanìka 

Parallel title: Geotekhnicheskaya Mekhanika


Published since: 1993
Periodicity: 4-6 times a year
Language:  Ukrainian, English
Founder: Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM of the NAS of Ukraine)
Editor-in-Chief: Bulat Anatoly F., Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, State prizes laureate in the field of science and engineering

Integration of Collected of Scientific Papers “Geo-Technical Mechanics” into Information Resources

The journal “Geo-Technical Mechanics” has been included in the abstract and full-text database of peer-reviewed literature Google Scholar.


The journal “Geo-Technical Mechanics” has been included in full-text database of V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.


The journal “Geo-Technical Mechanics” has been included in full-text database of Scientific Electronic Library periodicals NAS of Ukraine.


The journal “Geo-Technical Mechanics” has been included in the abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature Institute for Information Recording NASU.


The title page