Rubel A.O. Study of existing structures of floors of vertical shaft equipment and development of schemes for floors with the rope- profiled guides

Geoteh. meh. 2017, 134, 211-227


Rubel A.O., Ph.D (Tech.), SP «OK«Ukrvuglerustrukturizatsiya»)


UDC 622.6:622.674:622.673.1

Language: Russian

Abstract. Various schemes of the mine shaft equipment floors (rigid, flexible, with guides with non-periodic stiffness, with no buntons), their advantages and disadvantages were studied and analyzed, and typical schemes were developed for the shaft equipment layout with rope-profiled guides and console-damper buntons.

Implementation of the new shaft-equipment schemes in combination with rope-profiled guides, damped console buntons will allow to: reduce number of guides and buntons located along the height of the shaft; reduce metal consumption of the shaft equipment; reduce dynamic load on the "cage-shaft equipment" system; prolong service life of the shaft equipment due to the less horizontal oscillations of the guides; reduce diameter of the shaft due to the use of more rational layouts of the shaft equipment; reduce aerodynamic resistance of the shaft due to the use of more rational layouts of the shaft equipment; increase rigidity of the rope-profile guides due to the use of rational layouts of the shaft equipment; improve safety of the shaft equipment and hoisting complex operation; cut operating costs of the shaft equipment repair and maintenance; cut capital expenditures for the shaft equipment assembling.

Keywords: mine vertical shaft, shaft equipment schemes, rope-profiled guides, console buntons.


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About the authors

Rubel Andrii Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Chief Power Engineering Specialist of DP «OK «Ukruglerestrukturizatsiya», Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.