Rogach Yu.P. Integral index of occupational risk level

Geoteh. meh., 2018, 143, 31-39


1Rogach Yu.P.

1Tavriyski State Agrotechnological University under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

УДК 658.3.04/.05:658.5

Language: Ukrainian


The conception of «zero risk», i.e. providing of absolutely safe, faultless and unerring functioning of the system «man - machine», exhausted itself long ago, and today, the world is transiting to more grounded and correct conception of «acceptable risk». Basing on the requirements of the conception of «acceptable risk», a method was developed for estimating individual occupational risk for operators of mobile technique, which takes into account both the personal indexes of an operator (age, state of health, fitness and level of qualification for fulfilling the office duties, capacity for the observance of high level of infallibility in work, duration of working in harmful or dangerous conditions) and descriptions of technological environment and its harmful factors influencing the operator (organization and terms of labour, its harmfulness, etc.). On the basis of the grounded quantitative indexes of values of these factors their integral numeral values are got, with orientation on which it is possible to increase the labour safety. Determination of individual occupational risk for operator of mobile technique is oriented exceptionally to the increase of safety of his work. As it is impossible to attain absolutely faultless work of operator in condition of real production, therefore, in order to estimate the risks, it is necessary to use more modern conception of «acceptable risk» aimed on the maximal reduce of risks instead of the out-of-date conception of «zero risk». In case of unattainability of acceptability there is an obligatory social security in the scales of a structural subdivision and enterprise on the whole, perfection of which requires development of integral indexes of occupational risk level. Method for their calculation is proposed, which orients to complex estimation of risk for the operators of both mobile and stationary machines. The developed method should be used by the enterprises with taking into account separately «stationary» and «mobile» workplaces, as for the latter, it is necessary to take into account real time, during which an operator is in the working area.


safety of labour, labour conditions, individual occupational risk, operator of mobile technique, acceptable risk, integral index of occupational risk level


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About the author

Rogach Yury Petrovych, Candsdate of Technical Sdiences (Ph.D.), Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Safety of Tavrichesky State Agrotechnological University under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (TSATU MES of Ukraine), Melitopol Zaporizkoy region, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .