Lunova O.V. The feature of techno-ecosystems formation at mining field and the risk assessment

Geoteh. meh., 2019, 149, 58-67




1State ecology academy of postgraduate education and management

UDC 502.1/504.61: 622

Language: Ukrainian


Long-term usage of the Ukraine coal-basin resources has caused substantial changes of environment. The following main sources of negative impact are considered: high density of mining enterprises and high level of deterioration of vast majority of the coal deposits. In spite of the fact that this ecological system got some fundamental changes, this complex was still in the state of balance. However, mass shutdown of mining enterprises and destruction of infrastructure objects, which was increased during the last five years due to the military operations, significantly disturbed this balance. It resulted in dangerous changes of environment in the East of Ukraine. Today, Ukraine has almost no practical mechanisms for ecological estimate of territories with the ecosystems on large territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Some elements of the environment, which had got the most intensive damage, were studied on the example of the nearest to the delimitation line objects of the technosystems of the coal deposits in the Donetsk region including the state mining enterprise “ToretskVugillya” and mining enterprises of Nord and South branches of central Donetsk region. In the frame of this research, the authors developed an approach allowing to transform ecosystem into a tecnoecosystem and created a model enabling to assess ecological risks within the coal mining regions. According to the results of this research, it is established that coal mining operations lead to changes in ecological state of the technoecosystems with very high level of ecological danger (16 - 25 points). Contamination of environment in area near the enterprise ToretskVugillya reached significant level:  1.4 million m3 of greenhouse gas СН4 and 5.9 thousand m3 of CO2 are emitted into atmosphere per year; 2.5 tons of mine salt-containing water are discharge into the water environment; 214.29 hectares of land resources have been spoiled. Taking the aforementioned into account, the authors developed the measures aiming to improve the ecological situation by means of management decisions, and gave recommendations, which allowed reducing level of ecological pollution produced by the mining enterprises and minimizing their influence on the tecnoecosystem.


mining tecnoecosystem, balanced functioning, monitoring, mine, Donbas.


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6. Ulytskyi O.A., Yermakov V.M., Lunova O.V. and Miliekhin P.O. (2019), “Development of algorithm of classification potentially of dangerous objects after industries of industry and their influence on a natural environment”, Ekolohichni nauky: naukovo-praktychnyi zhurnal,  K.: DEA, № 1 (24) T.2, pp.  12 - 19

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About the author

Lunova OksanaVolodymyrivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D),Associate Professor, Researcher of the Environmental and Resource Rehabilitation Center of the Donbas State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.