Kassym Yelemessov, Leonid Krupnik, Sayin Bortebayev, Bauyirzhan Beisenov, Dinara Baskanbayeva, Akzhan Igbayeva. Polymer concrete and fibre concrete as efficient materials for manufacture of gear cases and pumps

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 155, 167-172




1Kassym Yelemessov, 1Leonid Krupnik, 1Sayin Bortebayev, 1Bauyirzhan Beisenov, 1Dinara Baskanbayeva,1Akzhan Igbayeva

1Satbayev University

Language: English

Abstract. The paper describes the results of investigations on application of composite materials – polymer concrete and fibre concrete for manufacture gear cases of mechanisms used in mining and metallurgical industry centrifugal pump casings. The methods of establishing efficient compositions of polymer concrete and fibre concrete, based on a filler with gapped grading in which the pinholes in coarse fractions are filled with smaller fractions have been developed. After hardening, such mixtures have the strength 1.5...2 times higher than the items made of metal. The efficient additive of steel fibre to fibre concrete has been identified which improves the strength characteristics. The regularities of the impact on the strength and structure of polymer concrete and fibre concrete of the rotation frequency of the working element of the mixer and time of mixing the mixture components are identified. TS-250 gear and centrifugal pump casings are made by casting method and are tested on a test bed. The results obtained make it possible for us to recommend the developed compositions of polymer concrete and fibre concrete for application in engineering industry to manufacture gear and centrifugal pump casings.


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