Anna Sielski, Kostiantyn Bezruchko, Liudmyla Pymonenko, Oleksandr Burchak, Andrii Karhapolov, Volodymyr Baranovskyi. Redistribution and realization of energy at different scale-hierarchical levels of coalrock massif

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 155, 114-122



1Anna Sielski, 2Kostiantyn Bezruchko, 2LiudmylaPymonenko, 2OleksandrBurchak, 2Andrii Karhapolov,2VolodymyrBaranovskyi

1Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Language: English

Abstract. The research of redistribution and realization of energy at different scale-hierarchical levels at the Donbas coalrock massif based on the parameters of faultings and gas-dynamic phenomena has been conducted. It is proved that the energy transfer, incoming by impulses in post-inversion time of the geological development in Donbas, occurs throughout the whole structure of coal, due to the formation of energy connection between individual elements of the molecular structure. This process is accompanied by transition of free energy into a bound state with increase in ordering of the molecular structure and aromaticity of the coal substance (local increase in the degree of catagenetic transformations). The conditions of energy accumulation and realization depend on the peculiarities of molecular processes occurring in dislocations of different types. Less energy is accumulated in tensile zones than in compression zones, which is confirmed by the intensity of coal and gas outbursts. It has been established that the energy entering the multifractal geological environment in Donbas from external sources is also redistributed fractionally by the system, causing the formation of multiscale discrete inhomogeneities, which provides the massif with specific properties and ability to self-organization. A fractal model of the structure of the coalrock massif is proposed.


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