Heorhii Shevchenko, Volodymyr Shevchenko, Serhii Holobokyi. Development of a mathematical model of a vibrating polyfrequency screen as a dynamic system with distributed parameters

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 155, 96-113




1Heorhii Shevchenko, 1Volodymyr Shevchenko, 2Serhii Holobokyi

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2Private join-stock company "Suha Balka"

Language: English

Abstract. A mathematical model of a vibrating polyfrequency screen as a dynamic system with distributed parameters has been developed. The dynamic system of solids of finite sizes was chosen as the design scheme for the screen: framework, sieves with bulk material and impactors, the contact interaction of which occurs through two-side bonds and collisions on surface areas that have elastic-damping coverings. It is shown that a change in the amplitude of the exciting force has a significant effect on the dynamics of vibration impactors of a polyfrequency vibrating. There is an amplitude value at which the impactor passes from the mode without interacting with elastic bonds to the vibro-impact mode. The impactor movements begin to change disproportionately altered by the exciting force amplitude. It is shown that the start of the impactors in the screen substantially depends on the exciting force. Changes in the amplitude of the exciting force make it possible to achieve chaotic oscillations of impactors, which in turn leads to oscillations of screen surfaces with a continuous frequency spectrum, i.e. to the operation mode of the screen, which is most appropriate for dehydration and separation of fine mineral fractions.


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