Kanay Rysbekov, Ayan Toktarov, Tursyn Kalybekov, Serik Moldabayev, Timur Yessezhulov, Gulnara Bakhmagambetova. Mine planning subject to prepared ore reserves rationing

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 155, 71-77




1Kanay Rysbekov, 1Ayan Toktarov, 1Tursyn Kalybekov, 1Serik Moldabayev, 1Timur Yessezhulov, 1Gulnara Bakhmagambetova

1Satbayev University

Language: English

Abstract. This article deals with production planning in the context of providing technology at each mining stage with developed and ready-to-stoping reserves. In order to address the problem, the ore body is represented by a geological block model. Numerical data is used to represent the attributes of each block, such as mass, density, ore grade, rock type. The mining plan provision with reserve standards on the degree of reconnaissance for production is reduced to the optimization task solution. The main condition for ensuring the planned production productivity of the mine is to provide the minimum necessary developed reserves. In the proposed mathematical model, it is taken into account by one of the objective function's terminators for solving the set task. As the results of the calculations have shown, such a scheduling ensures approach that there is developed ore’s sufficient amount for at least 6 months at the beginning of each period, which is a clear advantage of the proposed model.


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