Bayan Rakishev, Zaure Rakisheva, Alma Auezova, Аsfandiyar Orynbay. Automated determination of internal points of the coordinate grid of the blasted rock mass

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 155, 61-70



1Bayan Rakishev, 2Zaure Rakisheva, 3Alma Auezova, 1Аsfandiyar Orynbay

1Satbayev University, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 3Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications

Language: English

Abstract. An automated method for determining the internal points of the coordinate grid of the blasted rock mass is described. It is based on the method of determining the nodal points of the coordinate grid of the blasted rock mass, which is based on taking into account the dependencies that connect the initial parameters of the blasting rock mass with the final location of the fixed points of the blasted rock mass. The determining factors are the specific height and width of the collapse, the coefficient of loosening of the rocks. The method of analysis of experimental and industrial mass explosions in quarries, methods of analytical geometry, matrix theory and linear algebra are used. For the first time in mining, an analytical method has been developed for determining the internal points of the coordinate grid of an exploded block. It includes the established functions of the movement of nodal points, components of the vectors of movement of nodal and internal points of the coordinate grid. The established dependencies allow one to determine the displacements of any point inside the coordinate grid of the blasted block from the initial coordinates of the nodal and internal points.


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